synology disk group volume
synology disk group volume

2020年6月25日—r/synologyicon.Gotosynology.r/synology4...WhataretheadvantagesofhavingmorethanonevolumeonaDiskGroup?...Whatarethe ...,2018年1月19日—Diskgroupallowsformultiplevolumes,ononediskgroup.Youcanmovevolumefromonetoanother.,ThepageatCMS>Disk...

synology "disk groups" vs "volumes" clarification

2015年3月12日—InSynologyterminologyadiskgroupissimplyaRAIDarraythatcanthenbesplititupintoseveralvolumes.Soifyouhave4disks, ...

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Advantage of multiple volumes on a single Disk Group

2020年6月25日 — r/synology icon. Go to synology. r/synology 4 ... What are the advantages of having more than one volume on a Disk Group? ... What are the ...

Confusion over DISK GROUP (vs Volume)

2018年1月19日 — Disk group allows for multiple volumes, on one disk group. You can move volume from one to another.

Disk Group | Central Management System

The page at CMS > Disk Group displays the Disk Groups on each managed server, including information such as status, RAID type, storage capacity, and free space.

Partition, Disk Group, RAID Group, Volume

2017年8月19日 — ... Disk Group, RAID Group, and Volume mean for a Synology NAS. I ... One or more Volume Groups can be created each Disk Group (aka RAID Group).

synology "disk groups" vs "volumes" clarification

2015年3月12日 — In Synology terminology a disk group is simply a RAID array that can then be split it up into several volumes. So if you have 4 disks, ...


2021年8月27日 — When a volume on DiskStation is abnormal(degraded), the device will alert you with an audible beep. Various reasons can cause the volume...

Volume vs Disk Group

2011年12月13日 — A disk group ties together multiple hard disks to allow for one or multiple volumes across a RAID configuration on these disks. When a RAID is ...

Volume | DSM - Knowledge Center

Volumes provide the basic storage space on your Synology NAS. All of your stuff—such as shared folders, documents, and package data—is stored on volumes.


2020年6月25日—r/synologyicon.Gotosynology.r/synology4...WhataretheadvantagesofhavingmorethanonevolumeonaDiskGroup?...Whatarethe ...,2018年1月19日—Diskgroupallowsformultiplevolumes,ononediskgroup.Youcanmovevolumefromonetoanother.,ThepageatCMS>DiskGroupdisplaystheDiskGroupsoneachmanagedserver,includinginformationsuchasstatus,RAIDtype,storagecapacity,andfreespace.,2017年8月19日—...DiskGroup,RA...